More Than 40 Facts About Apple Company

More Than 40 Facts About Apple Company

A company that can profit 300,000 USD per minute. They simply can buy Disney and Coca-Cola with their budget. We're talking about Apple, Inc. Which have some failures also in some products. They also buried one of their products in the desert to forget it. Peace be upon you all. This is your host, Faisal Alsaif with a video about Apple facts. We previously made a video about Apple's headquarters. This video is about the company itself. The first thing we'll talk about is the founders of the company. They were three Atari employees before and they are, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. And to start their project, they needed money. Jobs sold his VW car And Wozniak sold his HP scientific calculator. There were able to collect 500 USD. And after 12 days of founding the company, Ronald said that this company is doomed to failure and decided to sell his stocks. And indeed he sold his stocks for 800 USD. If he waited and didn't sell his stocks, his fortune would be 35 billion USD now. Ronald was the person who drew the first Apple logo, and the same person who made Apple's Catalogue 1. We will discuss this later. At first, the name of the company was Apple for Computers, but then they changed to 'Apple' to expand their businesses. Apple is the biggest IT company in the world, and the second phone manufacturer in the world. 

Apple has more than 115,000 employees. 2012, was the best year for Apple at all. They could sell 340,000 iPhones in one day. In the first quarter of 2012, Microsoft's profit from all its services was about 16 billion USD. At the same time, Apple's profit was 22 billion USD only from iPhone sales. Apple usually gains a crazy profit. In a quarter of 2014, they were able to gain more profit than Amazon, Facebook, and Google together. And indeed, Apple profits in one minute are 300,000 USD, approximately, more than 1 million SAR per minute. The salaries of the 95,000 Apple employees in factories in China are less than the salaries of the 9 big managers of Apple in one year. The hostilities between companies are not what we usually see. For example, the Retina screen is made by Samsung. Samsung also manufactures Apple chips for the 6s and 6s Plus. Everything you ask Siri is stored in Apple servers. 

Anything you've ever told Siri is stored in Apple servers. Apple knows everything you said to Siri. Big brother is watching. Apple has a huge amount of money. We'll talk a lot about in this video. The money dedicated to salaries is 76 billion USD. Even more than the USA itself. US salaries are 73 billion USD. Apple's brand is the most expensive. It is worth 119 billion USD. Even more than Microsoft and Google. Apple's market value is bigger than the value of the whole Russian market. In 2015, not even Switzerland, Sweden, or Nigeria have reached the value of Apple. Apple can buy Disney, Coca Cola with cash money you might be shocked when I tell you that Steve Jobs' salary was only 1 USD per year. But it is different in reality. 

When Steve Jobs quit his job, he got 14 million USD. He then was rehired and got stocks valued at 1 billion USD. He also owns stocks in Disney worth 4 billion USD. He shouldn't be thinking about his salary, though. In 2001, Apple opened its first store, and in the same year, the opened another 25 stores, too. They have 500 stores worldwide now. If you look at any iPhone ad, the watch reads 9:41. Why is it exactly this time in particular? Because this is the time where Steve Jobs announced the OG iPhone. It is the exact time where Steve Jobs introduced the OG iPhone. There is someone called Tony Freddie. He had an idea about an MP3 player. So, he went to a company called Real Network but they didn't give him much attention. He went to Philips company, but they also didn't give him much attention. He went to Apple, where he found hospitality. They gave him a team full support. Later on, a new product called the iPod was released. This was back in 2000. iPod was a music player dedicated device, where you can archive your songs. Later, Apple benefited from Music selling. When the first iPod was developed, Steve Jobs placed it in a fishbowl and told the team that the iPod is releasing air bubbles, meaning there is space inside, and asked them to make it smaller. Everyone has an iPhone that has agreed to Apple's laws and condition agreement. Congratulations, you've agreed with Apple not to use their devices in making nuclear weapons. Your chance of being accepted at Harvard is bigger than your chance of working in an Apple Store. 

MacBook battery is bulletproof. Let's continue. Mac is a shortcut for Macintosh. These devices were called Macintosh in the past. It was called Macintosh because one of the developers loved a type of apples called Macintosh. There are many different kinds of apples. This type of apples is from Canada. The developer named it Macintosh because he loved it. There is no agenda behind it. It was named after a type of apple. 60% of the apps in the Apple Store have never be installed before. When Apple says there is more than 1 billion apps, then there are 650 million apps that no one has installed. Marketing! Siri was also supposed to be on Blackberry and Android devices. When Apple bought the app, they decided to keep it only on their devices. The app was bought in April 2010. When Apple hired employees, they gave them numbers. Steve Jobs was mad because he was given the number 2. Steve Wozniak was number 1. Steve Jobs was angry and decided to change his number to 0. He's always before anyone in Apple company. 

Steve Jobs made the first prototype of Apple 1. It was made in his garage. This first prototype was sold in an auction for 1 million USD. It is available in a museum in Michigan. You can go there and watch the first prototype by Steve Jobs. Every other Apple 1 device was made by Steve Wozniak. By the way, I met Wozniak and interviewed him. He was interactive. He kept talking about this history of Apple. The guy has lots of information. He really loves technology. If you want to buy Apple 1, there are up to 30 to 50 devices around the world. Prices start from 50,000 USD and it doesn't work. Your Apple Watch can do more than that computer. In 1986, Apple couldn't enter the clothes market and their clothes were really terrible. It is in 1986 and about clothes, no one mentioned iPhones or their designs. Apple designs are always very beautiful. 

They know how to make products. Smoking near an Apple device cancels its warranty. If you take your device to an Apple Store to fix it, and they find Nicotine inside it, the device will be considered biologically polluted, and they will not fix it Apple is a green company and they love the environment. They are anti-smoking. That's why lots of smokers are angry at Apple. One of the initiatives from Apple, when they introduced the iPhone SE, is to recycle old devices to get the expensive materials inside it and not to harm the environment. In this way, they were able to get lots of iPhones. They profited more than 40 million USD from these recycled devices. Apple's initiative is still available, where they get the materials they want and save the environment. Excellent project. There are many symbols in Apple's boxes. They want to show you that they are eco friendly. It is a good thing that such a big company is environmentally friendly. We've made a video about Apple's Park. We are excited about it. We want to deliver more information about it. The most expensive iPhone ever made was an iPhone 5 where 135g of 24k gold was used in building it. Also, 200 white diamonds were used. It was sold for 15 million USD. Who bought it, though? Apple's website doesn't provide news. 

Though, it is one of the biggest 50 websites around the world and 30 biggest in the USA. Despite Apple's successful products, there are weird products they made. Would you like to make a video about it? One of these products is a computer called Liza. This product cost them millions of USD, but because of its failure, they buried 2700 devices in the Utah desert. They wanted to totally forget about this project. They didn't want to be reminded about it. Something other companies used to do, where they bury their failed products instead of releasing them and affecting their value. Despite all the money they have, in 1997, Apple was about to go bankrupt. But who is the person who invested 150 million USD in Apple and saved them? This person is Bill Gates, a Microsoft founder. This is it for Apple Facts. Give us your opinion about it. This is the end of this video. Glory and praise be to Allah. I witness there is no God but Allah. I ask Allah for forgiveness and I repent to Him. Peace be upon you all. 

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